Monday, February 18, 2013

Funeral Cards Part 2

Okay, I got completely off track on the previous posting. I was going to tell you about the envelope of old funeral cards that I discovered while sorting through some of my mom's personal belongings after her passing.
I was going through the drawers of a night stand in what use to be my bed room (converted to a guest room) when I came across a bundle of old papers and envelopes strapped together with an elastic band. I did a quick scan of the envelopes and papers and tossed them into a box tagged for garbage. You'll see a theme here, I don't like to throw out things so I grabbed the package and thought I should go through the papers a little more closely to see if there was anything of importance. (To me every little piece of paper is important).  So there I was sorting the papers and an old discolored envelope fell out. I picked it up, opened it, and OMG, treasure. No, not money or jewels but a stack of old funeral cards dating back to the late 1870's early 1880's. The cards for the Matkin family have been posted earlier but there were about another dozen for various family members from England. Many I did not know who they were but through time and researching I have cataloged and identified them all. These are a small sampling for some of them.

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