Tuesday, June 22, 2021

England, Here I come!!!!

England, Here I Come!!

The Date: Sunday, January 7, 2018
The Time: 8:17 p.m.
Confirmation #: ASJLID

The moment when I clicked on the confirm button on my laptop to book my flight to London England was a dream come true.  A e-mail arrives with Confirmation Number and Info.
Now the panic set in.... "What have I done".
I can't do this, travel to England by myself for 22 days. I have to Cancel right away!
OK! OK! Take a deeeeeep breath, relax, you can do this.
NO I can't, YES you can, No I can't, Yeeeees you can!!!

Fast forward a year, March 15th, 2019.

Have you ever had that moment when you were sure you had thought every thing through and went ahead and booked a trip and then once you push the Confirm button you begin to second guess your self.

Well I  second guessed myself.   I'd been picturing this day for many years and finally I was going to get to take my dream (Bucket List) trip from April 24 to May 17th, 2018.

Now for those that don't know me, I do not travel well with out having a defined plan and Itinerary. So of course I had an idea of where and what I wanted to see but was the who I wanted to see, going to want to see a total stranger from Canada.

Several years ago I had published a book titled "Pott Family Journey, Before and After 1892" which was a culmination of years of research on my Great Great Grandfather John Pott, his ancestors and descendants. All the research was completed and well documented and all I had to do was come up with a trip itinerary. A itinerary of which places to visit and incorporate visits with extended relatives that resided in those areas. Sounds quite simple, right?
I had 107 days from clicking on the confirm button to board a plane to Toronto and then go on to Gatwick airport in London, England. That's how many days I had to come up with a full proof plan on maximizing every waking moment from the time of clicking confirm to boarding that plane.

First step was to tell family that I actually  pulled the trigger and booked the flight. I had talked a long story about going one day, therefore, were friends and family going to believe me when I told them that I booked. To my delight everyone was thrilled that I was going and offered to help in any way they could. They offered up their choice of tourist attractions that I should visit and which hotels I should stay in and which trains and planes I should take to get around. The only problem was none of their suggestions were even remotely close to places I wanted to go and the people I wanted to see. Don't get me wrong I appreciated their offers but this was a very different type of trip . It was a pilgrimage, not a typical vacation that people think of when going to Europe.
There was a word I had not used before and it excited me, not only was I going to England but I was going to EUROPE! Sounds so much more glamorous and regal!
Okay, bring the nose down a little, I'm not the first person nor will I be the last person to go to England, or Europe. 

Now the excitement was building, but the panic was still there, now I only had 106 days to plan. 
Long story (104 days in total) made short, the planning continued to take shape as I prioritized my wants, needs, likes and can’t miss out on items. I would have 21 days on the ground traveling the ancestral country of my moms parents and Grandparents.I would also be taking a journey into Belgium and France to follow the footsteps of my dad’s father John Badgley who served in the Great War WW1. I had given my self 11 days to travel the country side of England and visit with distant family, 3 days relocation travel,  2 days in Belgium, 3 days in France and 2 days back in London before flying home. 

The plan was to fly from Winnipeg to Toronto and then on to Gatwick International airport. From there I would board a train to Derby England. I would arrive mid afternoon in Derby and from that point on each day was planned out to where, what or who I would see each hour based on a 18 hour day. I only need 6 hours sleep at the most, but I new that I needed to stop and eat 😂. 
daily notes
daily notes
Travel day
Leave 3:45 p.m.
Travel / Derby
1/2 day
daily notes
Travel / Yoxall
1/2 day
Yoxall AreaYoxall AreaYoxall AreaYoxall Area
daily notes
Travel / Full DayPoperinge
1/2 day

daily notes
Travel / Full Day LondonLondon
Depart 1:25
Arrive 7:45 p.m.
daily notes

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