Thursday, February 14, 2013

War time letters.....

Continuing with the letters and notes.
I have a few letters that my mom kept from her cousins in England. She wrote to Irene, Edna and Marjorie while her brothers were serving over seas during WWII. Here is one of the first letters that she received from her cousin Irene followed by another one she received a couple years later. There were several in between that she recieved from Irene and Edna.

Miss I.B. Fox
29 Suffolk Ave
Off Notts Rd.

Dear Marget,

As I was reading a letter of my sister’s (Margery) the other day it mentioned something about would she ask me Irene to write so being as work is finished for today and I’ve nothing what so ever to occupy my mind I thought how nice it would be to write to you.
            Well Marget I hope you are all well and chins are up over there. We are all over here, we’re quite happy now we have had a postcard from Joe.
            I had a letter from Fred who comes home with the boys the other day and he said Harold and all were keeping well. I asked him to ask Harold if he would send us a few lines to let us know how he was keeping also so that I should know his address to write to him.
            Well know I’ll tell you about my-self. I am Irene Barbara Fox as you already know I am almost sixteen I shall reach that age on December 18th, 1943. I work at H. Holley & Son of Boyer St. Derby as a winder. I wind the cotton on bobbins for the weavers & Marjorie is a weaver before I worked there when I first left school two years ago. I worked in an office as a typist along with my brother Harold at the Derby Factoring Company then I worked at W.T. Woolworth's as an assistant and when Harold & Horace came in they nearly got me fired.
           The boy I go with is training as a pilot in the Air force he is 18 yrs old and will be nineteen on the 17th December 1943 so he is not to old for me. I’ve a picture of him and mother thinks he is a quite a nice boy and I think all mothers know he hopes to pas out as a pilot next February  so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for him.
            Well Marget I hope your mother and father are keeping well and tell them we all send our best regards from here to them. Also we take good care of the boy’s when they come on leave we miss Horace most because he used to be the jolliest one. The others are jolly but I don’t think you could beat Horace he was a proper torment to me & Marjorie.
            Well I must sign off saying goodnight and God Bless all hoping that this time next year all the boy’s will be back home.

Your affectionate cousin


p.s. The boys were home on leave about three weeks ago (Harold & Fred & Jim) Jim was a fresh one and we found him quite a nice fellow.  If you have time please write back.

Miss I.B. Fox
29 Suffolk Ave.
Chadd, Derby

My Dear Marget,

           So I have not wrote for  so long I do hope you will accept my apologies only my mother received a letter from your mother and she said neither you or herself had heard. I do hope you will forgive me as I have so little to say or time to spare with having to write to my boy every day practically.
            I am hoping to have him home next week for fourteen days. I also have twelve days holiday. We have got your Horace here for nine days. We don’t see him very often though he’s been here four days and I have only seen him once.
           Well Marget my sister Marjorie was married on the 14th of this month which was two week ago. We all had a lovely time and Marjorie looked real beautiful. I was the chief bridesmaid and I had a beautiful time.
           My boy tried to get but it was impossible as he was so far away and could not make it. I have got engaged since I last wrote to you. I became engaged on January 21st of this year. I want to send my many thanks for the handkerchief which you sent me. I would very much like to send you a souvenir from England so whilst I’m on my holiday I will try to find you some kind of a present in return for yours.
It’s quite a long time since we heard from our Joe. Eight months now we did not have Harold home my brother from Germany he certainly did look well. My mother is alright along with all of us back home please convey my regards to your mother and father and all of your folk over there.
            I will send you a snap of my self in my next letter as soon as I get it developed. Did your sister Maria receive the one of Marjorie and myself. Marget one of my friends wants to write to you as a pen friend so I have told her I would ask you.

Well Marget I will close saying Cheers and God Bless for always.

Your loving cousin
Here are a couple pictures that go with the letters
Marjorie & John's Wedding July 14, 1945

Irene & Edwin's wedding

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