Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Life continues to change!

Well I'm back

Don't think any one really missed me but just in case I'm back and attempting to post some further data.

Let me first tell you why my last post was in April of last year. Shortly after posting my last topic my wife's chronic lung condition took a turn for the worse. To the point that she was hospitalized for nearly three weeks before being released to go home.
That was the good news , however, the bad news was that she was placed on to the National Lung Transplant list. I'm sad to report a donor did not come available and on Dec. 8th her battle came to a quick and pain free end.
Its taken me some time to adjust to not having her around and it will be even a bigger challenge going forward. So today I've decided that it would be okay just to share a little about the person that had supported me for almost 32 years doing what I enjoy as a hobby and that is ancestry research.

Linda was not a person to dwell in or on the past but she did have an appreciation for the history and stories that relatives shared with me and in turn that I shared with her and our children. She was a very private person so to continue to honor her I will be very selective in what I post in my blog.

She was born on January 12, 1960 in Winkler Manitoba to Peter and Nettie (Nickel) Kehler. She was the second of five children, with two sisters and 2 brothers. Linda grew up on Jessie Ave in the Fort Rouge area of Winnipeg first living at 600 Jessie Ave and later moving across the street to 597 Jessie.
At 600 Jessie Ave. there where many people that boarded with them and she had an appreciation for extended family.

Upon reaching school age she would begin her educational journey in 1965 attending Gladstone School for afternoon Kindergarten classes with Miss Slaughter and the class consisted of 22 students.

Linda attended Gladstone School for grades K thru 6, Grades 7 thru 9 were at Earl Gray and Grades 10 thru 12 at Kelvin high school.
During this time, along with her younger brother they caught the German measles.  Unfortunately it turned into Pneumonia and progressed into long term lung infections.

(More to come to this post)

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